26th Seminar: Authentic Interpretation of Laws
4 December 2024: Gordan Struić (Croatian Parliament) – Authentic Interpretation of Laws: A Critique of the Constitutional Court Decision (Zagreb Faculty of Law, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room IV, 3rd floor, 4:15-5:45pm).
Commentator: Mario Krešić, Associate Professor (Zagreb Faculty of Law).
The Seminar was organized by the Zagreb Legal Theory Group and Croatian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy and Theory of Law and State (Croatian IVR section).
25th Seminar: Legal Principles
6 March 2024: Juraj Rogić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law) – Legal Principles (Društvo sveučilišnih nastavnika, 2pm).
24th Seminar: Concept of Retroactivity

26 February 2024: Svan Relac (University of Zagreb Faculty of Law) – Concept of Retroactivity (Društvo sveučilišnih nastavnika, 6pm).
Commentator: Helena Majić (Judicial Advisor, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia).
The Seminar was organized by the Zagreb Legal Theory Group and Croatian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy and Theory of Law and State (Croatian IVR section).
23rd Seminar: Interpreting EU Law: Legal Reasoning of National Courts In The Preliminary Ruling Procedure

15 June 2023: Marko Ćušić (University of Zagreb Faculty of Law) – Law Evaluation Criteria in the Textbook D. Hrabar et al., Obiteljsko pravo, Narodne novine, Zagreb, 2021. (room IV, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, 15:30h).
22nd Seminar: The Rule of Law in Slovenian Constitutional Court Practice

1 June 2023: Luka Martin Tomažić (Alma Mater Europea, Zagreb Faculty of Law Guest Lecturer) – The Rule of Law in Slovenian Constitutional Court Practice (classroom VII, Ćirilometodska 4, 18:00h – 20:00h).
21st Seminar: Balancing of Constitutional Rights

4 May 2023: Marin Keršić, Ph.D. (Department of Theory of Law and State, University of Split, Faculty of Law), Balancing of Constitutional Rights (May 4th, 2023, 6pm, Ćirilometodska 4, lecture room VII)
Commentator: Goran Selanec, LLD. (Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia)
The Seminar was organized by the Zagreb Legal Theory Group and Croatian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy and Theory of Law and State (Croatian IVR section).
20th Seminar: Use of Traditional Legal Arguments for Justifying the Interpretation and Application of Art. 8 of the ECHR by the European Court of Human Rights

13 April 2023: Ana Žagar (Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb) – Use of Traditional Legal Arguments for Justifying the Interpretation and Application of Art. 8 of the ECHR by the European Court of Human Rights (classroom V, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, 18:00h – 19:30h).
19th Seminar: Interpreting EU Law: Legal Reasoning of National Courts In The Preliminary Ruling Procedure

24 February 2023: Davor Petrić (Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb) – Interpreting EU Law: Legal Reasoning of National Courts In The Preliminary Ruling Procedure (Classroom IV, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, 18:00h – 19:30h)
Commentator: Marin Keršić, Ph.D. (Department of Theory of Law and State, University of Split, Faculty of Law)
The Seminar was organized by the Zagreb Legal Theory Group and Croatian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy and Theory of Law and State (Croatian IVR section).
18th Seminar: Practical Authority as a Source of Reasons to Comply

28 June 2022: Kenneth E. Himma (Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb) – Practical Authority as a Source of Reasons to Comply (Classroom V Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, 12:00h – 13:30h)
The seminar is organised by the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb, Zagreb Legal Theory Group and Croatian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy and Theory of Law and State.
17th Seminar: The Use of Hohfeld’s Scheme for Describing Positive Law: Economic and Social Rights

25 February 2022: Ivana Tucak (Faculty of Law, University of Osijek, Croatia) – Upotreba Hohfeldove sheme subjektivnih pravnih položaja za opisivanje pozitivnog prava. Primjer ekonomskih i socijalnih prava.
(Google Meet: http://meet.google.com/kwv-qxvn-iwu, 5:00-6:30 PM)
16th Seminar: Constitutional Rights Conflicts and Balancing
7 June 2021: Marin Keršić (Faculty of Law, University of Split, Croatia) – Sukobi između ustavnih prava i balansiranje kao metoda rješavanja tih sukoba (GoogleMeet: https://meet.google.com/gwc-prjm-kgf, 6:00 – 7:30 pm).
15th Seminar: Nature and Determinants of the Judicial Interpretation of Law
9 December 2020: Bojan Spaić (Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, Serbia) – Priroda i determinante sudačkog tumačenja prava (GoogleMeet: meet.google.com/wrt-ctxy-smv, 6:00 – 7:30 pm).
14th Seminar: Kelsen’s Doctrine of Imputation
19 November 2020: Svan Relac (Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia) – Kelsen’s Doctrine of Imputation (GoogleMeet: meet.google.com/wrt-ctxy-smv, 6:00 – 7:00 pm).
13th Seminar: Legal Facts – An Introduction to Ontology of Law
11 March 2020: Dr. Paweł Banaś (Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, Poland) – Legal Facts – An Introduction to Ontology of Law (Room VI, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 10:00 – 11:30 am).
12th Seminar: Both Directions at Once? The Ontological Status of the Concept of Law between the Artifactual Theory of Law and the Thomistic Natural-Law Theory
18 October 2019: Dr. Petar Popović (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Faculty of Canon Law, Italy) – Both Directions at Once? The Ontological Status of the Concept of Law between the Artifactual Theory of Law and the Thomistic Natural-Law Theory (Room IV, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, 6:00 – 7:30 pm). Draft paper is here.
11th Seminar: Three Conceptual Problems of Legal Normativity: The Logical Space of Reasons
17 October 2019: Prof. Kenneth E. Himma (University of Washington School of Law, USA) – Three Conceptual Problems of Legal Normativity: The Logical Space of Reasons (Room IV, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, 5:30 – 7:00 pm). Draft paper is here.
10th Seminar: Multi-Modal Argumentation
3 June 2019: Prof. Marko Novak (European Faculty of Law, Slovenia) – The Reconstruction of Multi-Modal Argumentation in Legal Proceedings (Room V, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 5:00 – 6:30 pm).
4 June 2019: Prof. Marko Novak (European Faculty of Law, Slovenia) – The Rhetoric of Visual Arguments in Legal Context (Room V, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 5:00 – 6:30 pm).
9th Seminar: The Ties that Bind: The Concept of Obligation
16 April 2019: Prof. Kenneth E. Himma (University of Washington School of Law, SAD) – The Ties that Bind: The Concept of Obligation (Room IV, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 6:00 – 7:30 pm).
8th Seminar: What is the problem of group beliefs?
1 April 2019: Prof. dr. Krzysztof Posłajko (Jagiellonian University, Krakow) – What is the problem of group beliefs? (Room IV, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, 6:00 – 7:30 pm).
7th Seminar: Legal Artifacts and (Normative) Propositions
27 March 2019: Dr. Guglielmo Feis (University of Milan, Faculty of Law) – Legal Artifacts and (Normative) Propositions (Room V, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 6:00 – 7:30 pm).
6th Seminar: War and State-Building: Charles Tilly and Beyond
15 October 2018: Prof. Lingyu Lu (East China University of Political Science and Law) – War and State-Building: Charles Tilly and Beyond (Room V, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, 5:00 – 6:30 pm).
5th Seminar: To Whom the Rules Apply: Norm Guidance and Inclusive Legal Positivism
11 October 2018: Prof. Kenneth Einar Himma (University of Washington School of Law) – To Whom the Rules Apply: Norm Guidance and Inclusive Legal Positivism (Room V, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, 5:00 – 6:30 pm).
4th Seminar: Methodology in Conceptual Jurisprudence: The Separability Thesis, Dworkin, and Natural Law Theory
11 May 2018: Prof. Kenneth Einar Himma (University of Washington School of Law) – Methodology in Conceptual Jurisprudence: The Separability Thesis, Dworkin, and Natural Law Theory (Room IV, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, 5:00 – 6:30 pm).
3rd Seminar: Legisprudence and European Tradition of Legislation
24 April 2018: dr. Krzysztof Koźmiński (Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw) – Legisprudence and European Tradition of Legislation – Part I (Room IV, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, 4:00 – 7:00 pm)
25 April 2018: dr. Krzysztof Koźmiński (Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw) – Legisprudence and European Tradition of Legislation – Part II (Room II, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, 4:00 – 7:00 pm)
2nd Seminar: Correctness of Adjudicative Interpretive Statements
14 December 2017: dr. Andrej Kristan (University of Girona) – Correctness of Adjudicative Interpretive Statements (Room IV, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 5:00 – 6:30 pm).
1st Seminar: Kelsen’s Theory of Legal Interpretation
25 September 2017: Luka Jurić – Kelsen’s Theory of Legal Interpretation (Room V, Trg Republike Hrvatske, 4:00 – 5:30 pm).