CfP: CEENJ 2024 Belgrade

The 2024 (CEE)NJ (Central and Eastern European Network of Jurisprudence) Conference is to take place at the premises of the University of Belgrade (Serbia), Faculty of Law on October 11 and 12, 2024.

The topic of the the 2024 (CEE)NJ conference – as in previous editions – is very broad: “Jurisprudence in Central and Eastern Europe: Work in Progress 2024”. The deadline for submitting papers is September 5, 2024.

Conference applications should be submitted by e-mail to Tanasije Marinković ( In addition to the applicant’s name, affiliation and e-mail address, a valid application should include a summary of the intended presentation comprising 3,700 – 5,000 characters with spaces. The oral presentation at the conference (of 25 – 30 minutes) is to be accompanied by a projection of the full text or a power point of the presentation. 

Contributions to the whole gamut of jurisprudential issues, from legal philosophy and theory to social, psychological, economic or other theories of law, are welcome. Dogmatic (doctrinal) and empirical (historical, sociological, economic, etc.) studies of law with a strong conceptual content are also acceptable. The 2024 (CEE)NJ Conference will also be open (not for the first time) to participants working and/or residing outside the European area.

There is no conference fee. The schedule can accommodate online participants too. Conference participants are to cover all their travel and accommodation expenses. The host organisation will provide all participants with lunch and dinner. 

The call for the conference participation will be posted at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law website as soon as possible.