1 June 2023: Luka Martin Tomažić (Alma Mater Europea, Zagreb Faculty of Law Guest Lecturer) – The Rule of Law in Slovenian Constitutional Court Practice (classroom VII, Ćirilometodska 4, 18:00h – 20:00h).
For those unable to attend live, lecture will be streamed via https://meet.google.com/xok-mrzr-jto
The Language of the Seminar is English.
Lecture summary:
The author performed an analysis of the court practice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia on the use and understanding of the notion of the rule of law. He reviewed all decisions and separate opinions in which the court utilizes this notion. He treats the rule of law as a notion with a potentially unlimited semantic range. He ascertained the content of the wording, as stated by the court with its interpretation and connected it with constitutional bases. Inspired by Fuller and Cormacain, he formulated the eight desired qualities of the Slovenian legal system as they stem from the constitutional court practice.